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Monday, April 21, 2014

BTK: access to Youtube continues to prevent

Golbasi, Ankara Court and the Criminal Court decided yesterday evening the Telecommunications Communication Presidency access to Youtube obstacles to Peace and forming reason of the decision of the Criminal Court, there is no provision in that judgment, was there. After this decision to be Banned from removing the barriers to access to expected began. However, Information and Communication Technologies authority published by the description of barriers to access to Youtube, will be showed. By the institution during the night, placed on the web site in the announcement on the YouTube ban is being transferred to the judicial process and post it on Youtube barriers to access to forming reason for the connection, a total of 151 detected, Youtube removes a portion of them, a part of Turkey's access to the shut down, but this content, as well as from abroad and to open access to recorded. 27/03/2014 up to date, the web site is the same as for the total of 151 of the content of the link is detected, the removal of this content to youtube to notice. Youtube by part of this content is removed, a portion of the links in the content blocked access not only Turkey, but, accessible from abroad, have been identified. Also, some of the content of the link is still running continues to be seen. On the other hand, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the insult of the nature of the content to youtube, a warning message is sent, such content is not removed from the 27/03/2014 from the date of article 8 of Law no. 5651, paragraph (1) (b) the subparagraph to paragraph 4 in accordance with the provisions of the blocking of access measures were applied. Such content is still relevant, a part of the internet site continue to be published, the internet site of the applied measures to block access continue to be encouraged. To summarize, from Turkey to Youtube direct access continues to be prohibited. Youtube users who want to access or VPN DNS for a period of methods such as the use seems to continue.

Touch-screen devices, the new threat!

Touch-screen devices, the new threat!

Touch an Android or jailbreak with the iPhone, if you are using this new threat may bother you!

A security researcher, and by malicious people to touch-screen mobile devices to show what they can do, for example, has developed a trojan. Such malicious software, touch screen devices, the user touches every point, wrote, phone calls, mesajalrini, GPS data, the researchers managed to get so smart phones in our pockets careful of our lives, and not protected the rival could be turned into a spy was proved.

Trustwave running Neal Hindocha, similar to that malicious software is easily and Android jailbreak with iOS system can be installed on adding users in this way, your bank accounts, e-mail or social media accounts, there are many passwords and user names hackers to immerse the warning that they could, and did.

Hindocha developed by the example of the software, only the user password not only stealing, unbeknownst to users on the camera and the microphone can get a snapshot of the screen, and the user can data on the location of the hacker can send.

Especially in the Android market, the application of the keyboard as published by many applications actually a “keylogger”, underlining that the Hindocha mobile users must use an antivirus is also advised. But the danger is not limited to personal use only. Is becoming increasingly popular touch-screen terminal is also open to attack this case, terminals, and this use of the institutions if they did not take the necessary security measures in the customer's personal or financial information, the hacker in the same way easier.

Offline messaging application FireChat now on Android

Two weeks ago, the opening of the App Store that makes FireChat, throughout the world in a short time is a pretty intense interest. It also deserves because FireChat, an internet connection, without the need for a free and messaging, as it has the potential to be one step ahead of. FireChat, apple's “multipeer connecivity framework” for the first time using one of the applications. Thanks to this feature, FireChat in a particular area between iphones organizational network using a local chat network makes it possible to establish. This is due to the dependence of technology so far only found in iOS version Firechat further reinforcement of basic founding of the company in the Open Garden know about this problem. For Android and has developed its own technology. So starting today, Android device has FireChat will be able to use. Firechat the Android version is now Play Google Store can be downloaded for free. The application in terms of the function from the iOS version, we can say that the difference. That is, your phone is not suffer, or be connected to the internet lack of FireChat on messaging is not prevent you.

Firechat the Android version, the producer of the company in the Open Garden developed by established on an infrastructure. This framework Firechat coverage, iOS version 9 meters with in the past, however, Open Garden is a multi-tabbed multi-hop), increases the number of people using the application, this field is expanding. The application of the global chat mode to be used when spam protection, but that was not very successful, it might be useful to say. In general, anonymous uygulamarla related to a problem encountered in this type of spam chat environments unwanted able to create a crowd. The application is first opened, we met with the Open Garden, Ceo and co-Founder of Micha benoliel let's remind that in the opinions. Firechat to anonymous users to express themselves freely in the application that is designed as soyluyen Benoliel,so FireChat to a revenue model, it is thought he ever had been. Firechat the version of the Andorid here you can download your experience and you can share your comments.

Facebook Messenger, phone calls is no longer possible

Facebook Messenger, and updated the voice dialing function, the scope was broadened. The latest version of the application together with the previously operating in Canada and the united states's voice is introduced in more to the point.

facebook-messenger-voice-call-050414 (800 x 534)the Application is updated to the latest version of the phone calls start providing search button placed so much more accessible. Chat top right corner of the screen, the person you are chatting with a voice conversation with the launch of a phone handset icon easily, you'll notice.

In fact, Facebook Messenger application for the voice call feature January 2013, was added. However, as mentioned above, the scope of this function is restricted to certain countries were kept.

Facebook Messenger, telephone conversations in terms of audio quality is quite good. 3G, or Wi-Fi, voice calls your phone bill by making more and more, you can prevent swelling.

Facebook Messenger iOS , Android, Windows Phone users and can be used by

Adsense Boomerang Blog Theme Is Compatible

In the market enough to contact Google Adsense has Hurriyet Boomerang blog theme is compatible or not, or how little more than a handful.

Accordingly, I nearly 2 hours as a result of a Ligge the blog theme. Hope you like it, to benefit your business. Wordpress tried to integrate, integrated in a comfortable way. However, the field of advertising and dynamic management of the Theme for the Panel, there is a need of mine is not yet a theme of the panel have no experience. So who wants to integrate Wordpress if you can.


Apple Shazam the song of the system to detect the ios, you can integrate

Apple Shazam the song of the system to detect the ios, you can integrate

According to a report by bloomberg, the Apple of iPhone and iPad owners ios devices by tapping the microphone, to find song, music will detect the property is set to add. Apple, who closely follow the work of the resources of the company to offer this feature is currently the same functions in their application through the offering of Shazam Entertainment of collaboration, he said. 90 million monthly active users across multiple platforms and operating Shazam, users, devices, close to the source of music and wants to keep using extensive data base, playing song information. Advertising is free of charge, with the support of the application, ad-free version for $ 14.99 for TL needs to pay. Bloomberg news reports are correct, the next version of the iOS to the user along with the Shazam application also will not need to download. Current Twitter application As control over that, given the same opportunity to Shazam also seems likely to be available. Apple's next-generation version of iOS the iOS 8 June next year, wwdc showcased in removing expected. About >> Bloomberg

Google web page that uses encryption can improve the ranking of

Google web site that uses encryption to a higher ranking in the search results assesses the idea of giving. Thus, servers, data under lock and key, input and output on getting the web site is intended to promote. Although the fate of this idea is uncertain for the moment, though, google's web spam chief Matt Cutts recently organized a conference on this possibility tips and gave the company is also discussed within voiced. If you continue on this plan if given a decision, the change is not expected to happen any time soon. Such a decision of the search results, improving performance across the web, the more the circulation of the encrypted data common to the mark. The world and from different points on the websites of the state continuously monitors the exchange of data on the news, data encryption technologies, in terms of user privacy showed once again how important it is. In fact, a very high encryption does not provide protection, but in terms of providing the confidentiality of communications is an important step that you specify. About >> The Wall Street Journal

Your Site Adsense ?

Google Adsense Site, blogunuza ve aşağıda yazılan size bilgileri okuyarak kendinizi test edebilirsiniz, olmadığını belirlemek için Adsense içerik reklam gösterimleri için.
Senin sorunlarına uygulamak için Adsense durumunu kontrol etmek ve analiz etmek onun talepleri için Adsense, bu sorunları çözmek mümkündür.
Ben sorunları ve mümkün olduğunca en son güncellemeleri ile sıkça sorulan soruları size, blogun yazarların çoğu anlatmaya çalışacağım aşağıda yardımcı olacaktır.

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Galaxy S4'un Popular Feature On Android

Galaxy S4'un Popular Feature On Android
Samsung's Galaxy S4 is designed, calls without touching the screen, answered that “Contactless Control” feature to other Android devices that can be used. The details are also reported in the bulletin.
27/07/2013 16:00
Many manufacturers of new devices is the difference in order to create a "device-specific" applications gelistiyor. One of the Android platform, the leader of the position of Samsung. The Korean company is the new flagship of the Galaxy S4'de its competitors, and other Android-based phones vary offers many application introduced.
One such application, incoming calls without touching the screen, answered that "contactless control" feature. Non-contact control of the property, especially the screen, touch where this is difficult or hands dirty at times has to offer ease of use-user friendly gathered.

Now this feature, see "Air Call" Accept the application with all the Android phones is moving. Partly free, proximity sensor for any Android device is running. In practice, the incoming calls feature free, while the call to reject a call when the speakerphone on, the call is rejected to the other party to send SMS additional features, such as the paid version. Air Call the Accept application free version here, the paid version is available for download here.

Asphalt 8 Airborne'un The Release Date.

Asphalt 8 Airborne'un The Release Date.
Gameloft's highly anticipated racing game Demos, 8 Airborne'un price and what time will come. OpenGL ES 3.0 support in the game that will have information about our news.
27/07/2013 20:00
Gameloft's highly anticipated new car game Demos, 8 Airborne'un when will the highly anticipated was an issue. In particular, Google's Android, 4.3, and the Nexus 7 shows the promotion of Asphalt 8 game, the expectations are raised.
Nexus one and Android 4.3 promotion of Asphalt 8 some of the information was shared. Android 4.3 with OpenGL ES 3.0 is the support of the will of the Asphalt 8, Airborne, renewed Nexus 7, and this is used in the device Snapdragon S4 Pro processor, which is optimized to be released.

OpenGL ES 3.0, the innovations, the only Android 4.3 version of the OpenGL ES 3.0 support, a Gpu phone users Asphalt 8 Airborne'da peers. Older versions of Android, and this Api, which does not support Graphics, the game will work, but some of the OpenGL ES 3.0-based visual and performance improvements, yararlanamayacaklar.
Completely renewed, and in the race, appropriate to the Havok physics engine, 180 activity, 47 licensed in the car with Asphalt 8, Airborne, on August 8, both Android and iOS platforms to be introduced. The game is the price will be $ 0.99.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Applications iOS 7 Concept Interfaces - 4

Applications iOS 7 Concept Interfaces - 4
iOS 7 interface to ensure compliance by the designers and applications that are designed for the concept of the interfaces in the fourth section here.
27/07/2013 17:00
iOS 7 Beta versions of the publication of the App Store, many of the application interfaces with the new iOS incompatible, it was understood that.
Application developers iOS 7 Final version, up to the applications of the interfaces to optimize for dealing with many of the designer in your own designs with popular applications, iOS 7 re-designed.
For you beautiful 7 pieces of popular applications, re-design of the interfaces we have put together.
Before we share the applications of the concept of interfaces haberlerimizn the first section here, and the second part is from the third section, is available here.

Comic Con'da Cosplay Storm Blew

Comic Con'da Cosplay Storm Blew
America San Diego performed in the San Diego Comic Con, which recently ended. A lot of events in the event, which Cosplay artists work with the eye filled.
28/07/2013 09:43
The San Diego Comic Con, which recently ended. Quite full of this event, the followers of quite appreciation of the gathered.
The San Diego Comic Con activity if we are talking about; since the 1970s, America in San Diego, each year a signature, film festival, stands, games, and graphic novels, which incorporates a large event.
San Diego Comic Con'da the most active one of the sections is also cosplay'di. Ended a few days ago at the event Cosplay artists almost the show made. Youtube users, this video has made. If cosplay'e you have interest; the game, comics, movies, and music of the characters you can see in this video, don't miss it.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Valve, Half Life 3 Spoke About The

Valve, Half Life 3 Spoke About The
The game world is the cornerstone of the position in a series of Half-Life, the creator of the Valve, series about the future of the silence finally broke. The details are also reported in the bulletin.
27/07/2013 19:50
In the last few days of absence of circulating "Half Life 3 stage of development" in the form of rumors about the silence that protects the Valve at the end of succumbed. Resource without specifying the Half Life 3 E3 in 2014, the announcement of the news of the publication of the response to the Valve, broke the silence.
The world of the game channels between the Computer and Video Games, an online site to connect with the last Valve'li authorities, recently, the Half Life of about 3 around the rumors certainly reflect the reality of the destruction.

It will be recalled that recently, the wandering one, Half-Life 2: Episode 3 is completely annulled, currently in the development phase the Half Life 3 E3 in 2014, the announcement of the game scenario-weighted basis, has to be documented.
Long story short, Valve, Half Life fans, once again disappointed. Let's look forward to the expected Half-Life 3 announcement when will there be?

Liderler Twitter da

The New York-global research and public relations firm Burson-Marsteller'in his “Twiplomacy” research 2013 announced.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Google Glass in a different way, was to test the

Wearable technology, is the most concrete examples of Google Glass, this time for a different purpose used. The device using the first porn movie.

Porn star James Dean and Andy San Dimas'in to play a movie on Youtube, was published.

Players during the shooting of the device by using some of the accessories and positions on the calls made.

However, to test those who by prolonged excessive warming of the smart glasses heating degree in a different way than was tested.
All rights reserved.

ConsumerLab Research 2013

The report of smartphone users 4G technology is also positive in approaching to reveal. In turkey, the users of at least 44 %in the near future 4G technology is presented to date, more than paying 4G data packets subscriber can and 4G device they can use, he says.

İbrahim Balic'ten Apple claim

Apple, last Thursday, the day lost access to the developer portal about the silence. The company, the portal is a hackers attack had been announced. On the other hand, the Turkish security researcher İbrahim Balic, the system finds vulnerabilities in Apple with the sharing of 4 hours, then the company's portal kapadigini claimed. Balic itself hacker who instead of to the company via Twitter 'to get love,' he said.

Next, the Web site, according to Apple's in the press release, a hacker portal to registered developers to information seize the purpose of cyber attack. The company, information infiltrate sizmadigi with the information did not.

Balic the portal, 13 vulnerability and found these vulnerabilities by using the users ' information achieves Apple proved that the claimed. Balic vulnerability fixes the help of an Apple with contact established, and the issue could prove to their own company, 73 user's information in the company that claimed. Additionally, the portal uses approximately 100 thousand people to the information that he was allowed to.

Apple's after that, the portal closes, who claimed to Balic he hacker, and not just in the system vulnerabilities and find the company to warn of this research, he said.

Balic, Apple's developers sends a hacker attacked by the end of explaining to e-mail the following tweet with my site.

ConsumerLab Research 2013

Ericsson this year, the fourth in its ConsumerLab Turkey Survey of 2013, the results shared.

Throughout turkey, the 15-69 age group at least once a week in the smart phone to the internet, through the use of a total of 1.124 (and 45%male, 55 % of the women) with the user of the research conducted, users out-of-pocket use of the internet for the duration of the mobile and fixed-network/networks about the lived experience of the mobile operators that of loyalty to the acting to the basic factors, which sheds light on.

Social media is caught

Manisa Turgutlu district, the theft of his work, the person using the computer, and the social networking site when caught.

Turan Quarter, the business when the shop-owners of a notice on the review started, the police, 5 workplace, 1 school and 1 house robbing the thief was a place where a computer uses.

A thief in the social networking site, to him belong the page opened in determining teams, page supheliyle information about the reached.

Surrounding security cameras are also investigating teams, in a short time and caught the suspect F.o'yu detained.

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